Environment and natural resources


Game Hunting Regulations

We recently completed a regulatory impact assessment of the proposed Wildlife (Game) Regulations 2024.


Victorian Energy Upgrades - Legislative reform

Victorian Energy Upgrades: Code of Conduct


Water (General) Regulations 2021

These remade Regulations incorporate and update four previous sets of regulations covering: Subdivisional Easements and Reserves, Register of Interests, Notice of Disposition of Land, and Long Service Leave for employees of water corporations.

Review of costs of administering the Kangaroo Harvesting Program

Advice on strengthening enforcement in timber harvesting safety zones

Alpine Resorts (Management) Regulations 2020


Review of Procurement Policy: Social, Environmental and Economic Sustainability (Banyule Council)

Fisheries Regulations 2019

We prepared a RIS on the remake of the Fisheries Regulations

Marine and Fisheries Legislation Amendment Bill 2019

Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) (Mineral Industries) Regulations 2019

The Government is seeking your feedback on the proposed Mineral Industries Regulatory Reform. Make a submission by 23 April 2019.

Managing water-based risks in Health Services

We recently completed a Post-Implementation Review of amendments to the Public Health Act


Local government powers of enforcement under various noise regulations

Review of the two State environment protection policies for noise

Better Regulation Statement for NSW EPA on new C&D waste standards

The Environment Protection Authority proposed a series of changes for the NSW construction and demolition waste sector that will set minimum standards to ensure the safety of the community, the protection of the environment and the maximisation of resource recovery.

Waste Management Policy (Solid Fuel Heating) 2018

Victorian Energy Efficiency Regulations 2018


Review of Fisheries Regulations

Fisheries (Fees, Royalties and Levies) Regulations 2017

Advising on implementing a new emissions intensity standard for brown coal


Significant Burden Analysis on Proposed changes to the Building Code of Australia: Bushfire protection for vulnerable use buildings

Recreational Fishery Licence Fees 2016

Regulatory Burden analysis of the Environment Protection (Ships’ Ballast Water) Regulations


Fisheries Amendment Bill 2015

Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Amendment (Saving Energy, Growing Jobs) Bill 2015


Poppy cultivation and processing regulations

Forests (Fire Protection) Regulations 2014

Wildlife (State Game Reserves) Regulations 2014

Regulatory Change Measurement: Reforms to native vegetation clearing permits

Future Coasts Economic Analysis of Adaptation Options Manual


Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013

Wildlife Regulations 2013

National Parks Regulations 2013

Fisheries (Fees, Royalties and Levies) Regulations 2013

Regulatory Change Measurement: Environmental and Resource Efficiency Plan (EREP) Program 2013 (cessation)

Native Vegetation Bill 2013

Environment Protection (Vehicle Emissions) Regulations 2013


Environment Protection (Fees) Regulations 2012

Water Amendment (Governance and Other Reforms) Bill 2012

Wildlife (Game) Regulations 2012

Recreational Areas (Water Act) Model Bylaws 2012

EPA Licensing and Works Approvals Standard Cost Model Assessment

Regulatory Change Measurement: Measuring the simplification of guidance for assessing native vegetation permits


Water Amendment (Debt Recovery) Bill 2011

Water (Subdivisional Easements and Reserves) Regulations 2011

Cost-benefit Analysis of reducing Fully Integrated Carbon Model (FullCAM) uncertainty

Planned Burning Policy Impact Assessment Project

Environment Protection Amendment (Landfill Levies) Bill 2011


Forests (Recreation) Regulations 2010

Review of proposed institutional reforms in environmental agencies, for the Victorian Government’s Land and Biodiversity White Paper

Climate Change Bill 2010


Forests (Licences and Permits) Regulations 2009

Forestry and Carbon Rights on Private Land 2009

Greenhouse Gas Geological Sequestration Regulations 2009

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