Economic Policy


Victorian Energy Upgrades - Legislative reform

Victorian Energy Upgrades: Code of Conduct


Land Acquisition and Compensation Regulations 2021

The current Land Acquisition and Compensation Regulations (LACR) 2010 (current regulations) will sunset on 22 June 2021. New regulations are needed to continue to support the effective operation of the Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986 from 22 June 2021.


Facilitating new energy transmission projects in Victoria

Impact assessment of possible amendments to the Electricity Industry Act


Advising the Victorian Government on its response to the independent Review of Electricity and Gas Retail Markets in Victoria

We provided advice to the Victorian Department on its response to the Review of Energy Retail Markets, including options and impacts of the new Victorian Default Offer.


Long Service Leave Bill


Reducing the Regulatory Burden in the Vocational Education and Training Sector


Job Services Australia compliance costs for providers


Public Finance and Accountability Bill Standard Cost Model Assessment

Portable Long Service Leave (Community Services Sector) Bill 2009

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