Our policies

Value and commitment

Our value proposition is to provide the most high calibre staff without unnecessary corporate overheads. We are selective about the projects we undertake to ensure we are able to offer service to the highest standard and be fully committed to delivering our services on time and on budget.

Confidentiality and privacy

Regulatory Impact Solutions has secure storage for all electronic and physical documents. We have experience in handling Cabinet documents and other documents classified under the Australia Government Protective Security Policy Framework.

Our policy is to destroy all physical documents after an engagement, and archive all electronic records on a secure hard drive.

Information provided to us is used only for the associated engagement. We do not use provided information for any other purpose or provide it to other parties.

We have processes in place to identify and manage any conflicts of interest prior to each engagement.

Equal opportunities

Regulatory Impact Solutions is an equal opportunities employer that seeks to create equal opportunities for all our staff at all levels. We create the environment in which talent is nurtured and ability is encouraged.

Health, safety and wellbeing

With health and safety being at the forefront of what we do, Regulatory Impact Solutions’ Health and Safety Policy dictates that as professionals and employers we act responsibly, safely and professionally, mindful always of the needs of our clients and our own people. Written policies for office and site works provide the platform for a safe and healthy working environment for our staff at all times.

We promote work/life balance among our staff to ensure that our people are at their peak to meet our clients’ needs.

Environment and sustainability

Regulatory Impact Solutions is committed to environmental sustainability and has contributed significantly to Victoria’s environmental policy through the delivery of a number of key projects.

The environmental impact of what we do and the work we are involved with is a fundamental consideration in all that we, as a company, do and create. In addition to this commitment, our expertise enables us to provide guidance and direction in all aspects of environmental and sustainability policy and practice.

We commit to managing our environmental effects and wastes in compliance with our legal obligations.  Furthermore, we will strive to continually improve all our operations and specifically commit to:


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