Red tape measurement projects


Victorian Energy Upgrades: Code of Conduct


Review of costs of administering the Kangaroo Harvesting Program


Impact assessment and advice on the Births Deaths and Marriages Registration (Prescribed Information) Regulations 2019

Impact assessment for remaking the Electricity Safety (Management) Regulations 2019


Significant Burden Analysis on Proposed changes to the Building Code of Australia: Bushfire protection for vulnerable use buildings

Impact analysis of changes to the Heritage Act

Regulatory Burden analysis of the Environment Protection (Ships’ Ballast Water) Regulations


Zoological Parks and Gardens Regulations (removal)

Regulatory Change Measurement: Reforms to native vegetation clearing permits


Measurement of the efficiency improvements at Land Victoria 2000-2013

Regulatory Change Measurement: Environmental and Resource Efficiency Plan (EREP) Program 2013 (cessation)


Regulatory Change Measurement Timber Harvesting Operator’s Licence

Reducing the Regulatory Burden in the Vocational Education and Training Sector

EPA Licensing and Works Approvals Standard Cost Model Assessment

Regulatory Change Measurement: Measuring the simplification of guidance for assessing native vegetation permits


EPA Corporate Licensing Standard Cost Model Assessment

Job Services Australia compliance costs for providers


Public Finance and Accountability Bill Standard Cost Model Assessment

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